It’s that time again, a new year approaches and with it comes a new Game list. I didn’t get as far as I would have liked in my 2019 Game list. I’ve decided to change how I structure these lists.
Playstation 4 Games
- Kingdom Hearts III: Remind
- Final Fantasy VII: Remake
- Ni No Kuni
- Ni No Kuni II
- Final Fantasy VIII: Remaster*
- Code Vein**
Nintendo Switch
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2: The Kingdom of Torna
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild
- The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild 2
- Grandia HD
- Grandia II HD
- Tales of Vesperia
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses
- Xenoblade Chronicles HD remaster
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII: Remaster*
- Final Fantasy IX
PC/ Steam
- Nier Automata
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
- Final Fantasy XV
- Code Vein
*This will be played on either the PS4 or the Switch.
** This will be played on PS4 or Steam.